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Would you like to become a VIX participant? All you have to do is meet three requirements, select the options for your preferred connection and enter into a connection agreement. Please keep in mind that the Vienna Internet eXchange is not an upstream provider - we only offer peering, no transit!


1) AS Number

You need a globally unique Autonomous System (AS) number. In VIX peering sessions, you may only announce AS numbers that are globally unique and officially assigned and documented by a RIR (see below). Furthermore, you must be authorised to announce these AS numbers.

2) IP Address Range

The entire announced IP address range in each VIX peering session must also be globally unique and officially assigned and documented by a RIR (see below). Furthermore, you must be authorised to announce these IP address ranges.

3) Global Internet Connectivity

You are required to have your AS number and IP address range provided with global Internet connectivity before connecting to VIX.


Select your VIX Location

The redundant VIX infrastructure is available at three locations in Vienna. You may connect at 1-3 locations. We recommend a multiple connection.

Select your Connection Type

Your peering router needs to be connected to the VIX infrastructure. Three variants are possible: local, remote or reseller connection.

Select your Port Speed

The costs for your VIX connection depend on the capacity of your switch ports. A 20 % dual-site discount is available under certain conditions.

Contract & Connection

  • If you have chosen a local connection or a remote connection, you must first conclude a VIX Connection Agreement and pay the setup fee. As soon as you have the signed contract in your hands and we have received your payment, you can establish the physical VIX connection. To do this, follow our "Step by Step to VIX" instructions.
  • Alternatively, you can enter into a connection agreement with a reseller. In this case, the reseller will take care of all the necessary steps for you.

Stay informed!

At least one staff member per VIX participant should have access to the VIX web portal and be subscribed to the mailing list so that you do not miss any of our operational information.