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The Vienna Internet eXchange is extremely stable and reliable. Every now and then we have more good news.

Peering Days 2025

The next Peering Days will take place in Split, Croatia from 25-27 March 2025. Registration is already open.

   This news is archived and might be outdated

ATNOG 2024/2

The Austrian Network Operators Group (ATNOG) will meet at in Vienna on 16 October 2024. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible! Remote participants are also welcome (no registration required).


AS112 on the VIX

The AS112 Project aims to make the global Domain Name System (DNS) faster and more stable. Since September 2024, the AS112 service is automatically available via our route servers.

   This news is archived and might be outdated

Vacancy: IT Management Assistant

The ACOnet/VIX team is looking for an IT Management Assistant. You can find all the details at the Job Portal of the University of Vienna.

   This news is archived and might be outdated

ATNOG 2024/1

The Austrian Network Operators Group (ATNOG) will meet at the University of Vienna on 21 February 2024. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible!