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The Vienna Internet eXchange is extremely stable and reliable. Every now and then we have more good news.
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ATNOG 2020/1

The Austrian Network Operators Group (ATNOG) will meet on 24 November 2020 for a virtual ATNOG Talk.

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Vacancy: IT System Administrator

The ACOnet/VIX team has a vacancy for a system administrator. You can find all the details at the University of Vienna Job Center.

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Vacancy: IT Network Administrator

The ACOnet/VIX team has a vacancy for a network administrator. You can find all the details at the University of Vienna Job Center.

   This news is archived and might be outdated

Happy SysAdmin Day!

31 July 2020 is the 21st "System Administrator Appreciation Day". It is dedicated to all those heroes of everyday life who tirelessly ensure that our computers and Internet connections work smoothly - even in the home office. A big thank you to our participants and partners for the excellent cooperation!


New VIX Logo

The Vienna Internet eXchange has a new logo! If you use the VIX logo on your website or in printed matter, we ask you to integrate the new logo now. It is available in various formats at "Media / Download & Press".